
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Folk Payback

I'm not usually a huge fan of folky music, but my boyfriend is fanatical about it.  Considering how many rock shows I drag him to on a regular basis, I decided to spring for tickets to the two-day Newport Folk Festival in Rhode Island. 

In preparation for the 48 hour folk extravaganza, I figured I should do some investigating.   Other than my stints as a passenger in the boyfriend's car, I'm never exposed to folk.  I like City & Colour and Ray LaMontagne (saw him at the Tower Theater for the boyfriend's birthday a few years back), but that's the extent of my folk experience...  And probably some garbage that I listened to during my teen angst years.

Two words: Ben Howard.  He sucked me in from the first song I heard: "Old Pine."  I suggest you check him out.

Every Kingdom

Ben will not be at the Folk Fest, but I'm definitely looking out for a visit to the US to check him out live.